Poles, strings & bucket trucks
With eruvin, it’s all in the detail
Don’t take your eruv for granted. Ensure every component maintains its kashrus with regular checks and maintenance carried out by specially-trained experts. Safeguard shmiras Shabbos in your community with an eruv you can confidently rely on.
What can the Eruv Network offer your community?
Already have an eruv? These are the options you should be considering:
All eruv services are performed in close partnership with your Rav Hamachshir who renders the final psakim for your community. The Eruv Network does not render psak halacha, and opinions offered in the course of our work are solely the opinions of the individual Rav.

Eruv Audit
Our expert team will walk the length of your eruv, carefully checking and documenting each component.
With cutting-edge technology and specialized tools, The Eruv Network will ensure that every aspect of your eruv meets the standard of your Rav hamachshir.
Following the inspection, you’ll receive a comprehensive report of our findings, highlighting any current or potential concerns, as well as recommendations for repairs, improvements and long-term maintenance.
FACT: 100% of eruvin checked by the Eruv Network have benefited greatly from the inspection. Our network creates a mutually beneficial relationship between communities, eruvin , and Rabbonim across the country.

Eruv Maintenance
Wear and tear, weathering, or physical interference can render your eruv posul at any time.
Our systematic checking schedule ensures you catch issues in time, avoiding community-wide chillul Shabbos.
We can take care of repairs or guide you through them, connecting you with resources, suppliers and bucket-truck operators as needed.
FACT: Nationally recognized eruv Rabbonim prescribe an ongoing schedule of maintenance for every eruv.

Eruv Upgrade
Give your eruv the attention it deserves so it can better serve your community for longer.
Incorporate more durable materials, allowing your eruv to withstand the elements year after year. Take the kashrus standards up a notch by implementing structural changes that avoid relying on kulos.
We’ll also clearly map out your eruv, with recommendations for potential expansion routes earmarked for future growth.
FACT: Eruv components have limited service life due to their constant exposure to the elements. Extending their use beyond this risks chilul Shabbos.

Eruv Checker Training
Your eruv is unique. It must be checked regularly by individuals who understand the specific issues that can arise.
When shailos arise, your checkers will have access to the Eruv Network for practical and halachic guidance. We will help ascertain whether there is an issue and how it can be resolved.
FACT: Even with regular, professional checks, a competent local team is necessary to maintain a kosher eruv.

Community Education
Your eruv is an investment, and community support is necessary for its upkeep.
Get your community on board with a local shiur or meeting presented by Eruv Network personnel. Raise awareness and understanding of the complexity of maintaining a kosher eruv while reinforcing the need to do it correctly.
With the support of local volunteers and donors, your community can benefit long-term from an eruv which meets the highest halachic standards.
FACT: Local shiurim and presentations (even when purely academic) lead to increased community awareness and ultimately, an enhanced local eruv.

Eruv Shaila Line
Shailos and technical questions about your eruv can arise at any time, and are often time-sensitive.
Participating communities can submit questions and visual shailos via the Eruv Network’s dedicated email portal, receiving expert guidance in reply.
Whether halachic or technical, our experts will help determine the scope of the issue and offer creative solutions. When necessary, you’ll receive computer-generated visual guides, or specific recommendations for suppliers and specialists.
FACT: Every eruv is unique in its approach, structure, and standards. It is impossible to offer advice on a single eruv component without a working knowledge of the entire eruv.